About MNT 600; Thesis Supervision Committee, Thesis Proposal Defense
If you add MNT600 course:
If you have not yet passed the doctoral qualifying exam and are taking this course:
Your Academic Advisor will be required to send an email to Professor Deniz Üner (Department Chair) at the latest on Friday, January 19, 2024, informing her of the grade you receive from this course. You should remind your advisor that he/she must notify your grade to us before January 19th.
If you have taken the doctoral qualifying exam this semester (in November) and are taking this course:
Your Academic Advisor will be required to send an email to Professor Deniz Üner (Department Chair) at the latest on Thursday, January 19, 2024, informing her of the grade you receive from this course. You should remind your advisor that he/she must notify your grade to us before January 19th.
In addition, if you pass the doctoral qualifying exam, you will be required to appoint a Jury of the Thesis Monitoring Committee (Tez İzleme Komitesi ) by Friday, December 29, 2023. 3 One of the committee members must be your advisor and the other is non-MNT. (https://fbe.metu.edu.tr/tr/system/files/tez_izleme_komitesi_atama.pdf)
Also, note that you must submit your Thesis Proposal Defense (Tez Önerisi Savunması) within 6 months at the latest after the successful month from DYS. (https://fbe.metu.edu.tr/tr/system/files/tez_onerisi_savunmasi.pdf)
If you have taken the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam last semester (in May) and are taking this course:
You must submit your thesis proposal defense (TÖS) on Thursday, November 30, 2023, at the latest. Make sure you fill out the correct form I submitted on the link (Tez Önerisi Savunması). As of the day you pass TÖS, you should submit your form to your program secretary with abstract and öz (in Turkish) attachment within 3 working days at the latest. For more information:
https://fbe.metu.edu.tr/tr/system/files/tez_onerisi_savunmasi.pdf and https://oidb.metu.edu.tr/tr/orta-dogu-teknik-universitesi-lisansustu-egitim-ogretim-yonetmeligi (article 44).
If you are in the process of Thesis Monitoring Committee and are taking this course:
You are required to defend the Thesis Monitoring Committee (TIK) by Friday, December 29, 2023, at the latest. Unsatisfactory grade of MNT 600 will be given to students who do not submit the TIK report to me. 4 copies of the form will be signed and you should keep one. It is important that you keep this form. When you take the thesis exam, you are expected to know the date of TÖS and the last three TIK.
In addition, the scholarship students need to upload this document to the system.
Article of the regulation on TIK (or TAC):
Defense of the thesis proposal and monitoring the course of the thesis work
ARTICLE 44 - (4) For the student whose thesis proposal has been approved, the TAC convenes twice a year, once between January and June and once between July and December. The student submits a written report to the TAC members at least one month before their meeting. In this report, a summary of the work covered thus far and the work plan for the next semester are given. The letter grade for the student’s thesis work is determined as (S) or (U) by the TAC. Students who receive the letter grade "U" twice consecutively, or three times intermittently, in their thesis work are deemed unsuccessful and dismissed from their programs.
(6) In order for the student's thesis to be finalized, at least three TAC reports should be presented.
https://oidb.metu.edu.tr/en/middle-east-technical-university-rules-and-regulations-governing-graduate-studies (note that the Turkish version is the binding document.)
If you are attending the Thesis Exam Jury this semester and you are taking this course:
According to the academic calendar, the last day to enter the thesis jury by the end of the autumn semester is January 26, 2024,
If your thesis jury is after Friday, January 26, 2024, your thesis supervisor should notify Professor Deniz Üner (Department Chair) that you will be defending your thesis during this semester so that you do not receive an Unsatisfactory grade from the MNT 600 course. Thus, Professor Deniz Üner (Department Chair) will give you an incomplete grade in this case before announcing the grades. If you're going to defend before January 26th, there's no problem.